
Skydive Balaton

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Skydive Balaton

Skydive Balaton


Before You Arrive


Please fill in  the Skydiver Registration form, (<< klick here) even if you've got your proximity card once a year

Don't forget  to book your room (<< klick here)

Check our events on Facebook (<< klick here) and ask for more if you can't find one you want to take part!

Look at our briefing video:


Skydiver Registration Form

Please be sure to use your own e-mail address! If your e-mail is already registered, next time you only need to update your information.

For NON EU Citizens we need 8 days to get authority permission to jump. So be sure to fill in the form, (upload the csan of your pasport aswell) if you are non EU citizen at least 8 days before your visit.



Our airport can most conveniently accessed from the direction of M7 Motorway, driving 5 kilometres to the south on Route 65 from Siófok city. When arriving at the airport we can get to the parachutists’ village by driving 1 kilometre in the direction of Ságvár after passing the main building, the restaurant, the wooden cottages and hangars.


The ‘parachutists’ village’ is a facilities complex in a green area in the southern part of the airport specifically designed for the convenient execution of the skydiving operation. We provide diverse services here for our visitors

There are covered hangars for packing the parachutes, with parking spaces nearby.



Registration, manifest

After arriving to the DZ do registration in the manifest, you can apply for a magnet card for 20 Euros, which will be validuntil you damage or lose it. Show your licence, reserve packing document andhave your gear checked. All accepted gears will be signed with a tape. You can only jump with an approved rig!


Skydiving Rules

Skydive Balaton DZ regulations of parachuting activity „A” licensed skydiver-> USPA/FAI A licensed skydiver or skydiver rated equivalently to it by national rules „B” licensed skydiver-> USPA/FAI B licensed skydiver or skydiver rated equivalently to it by national rules „C” licensed skydiver-> USPA/FAI C licensed skydiver or skydiver rated equivalently to it by national rules „D” licensed skydiver-> USPA/FAI D licensed skydiver or skydiver rated equivalently to it by national rules Registration, manifest

After arriving to the DZ do registration in the manifest, you can apply for a magnet card for 20 Euros, which will be validuntil you damage or lose it. Show your licence, reserve packing document andhave your gear checked. All accepted gears will be signed with a tape. You can only jump with an approved rig!

You can upload jump tickets to your magnet card, which will be deducted when signing up for the load. The unused tickets will be refunded. You also can check in with empty card, and do payment at the end of the day latest. If you miss to pay at the end of the day, you will not be able to sign up, until your balance is open.

Check in, announcements, loading the helicopter

Attention! Check in only, if you are packed andready to jump! If you want to jump, sign up for the next load with your magnetcard using the terminal and touch screen at the manifest. After the 10 minutes call, you can no more modifying the actual load, there is no ticket refunding!Organisation reserves rights for evaluation!

The minimum number of persons in one load is 26.

Please note, the check in is continuous, as soon as the next load is full, the chopper will fly back to back, with no engine shut down

You can sign up for a load only once in a time,re-checks are possible soonest after landing!

As soon the minimum jumpers were checked in, theactual speaker gives 20, 15, 10 and 5 minutes call every time, informing the jumpers, stuff and pilots.

Always pay attention to the loudspeaker!

All jumpers must be at the entry gate latest at 5 minutes call! Tandem pilots, their passengers and flight passengers must take their position on the rightside, all other jumpers must sit or stand on the left side, according to theestimated exit order by themselves!

Please prepare and be patient, your gear and AADwill be checked at the gate before going to the chopper. The entry gate will be closed until boarding call, the helicopter can be only approached by the pilots, round flight passengers and jump master earlier!

The actual jump master will be designated latestat 15 minutes call by the organisation.

The organisation staff or jumps master will setup the exit order (latest before the engine starts), warns everyone for the minimum 4 seconds and maximum 5 seconds separation! In case of big ways are exiting, the separationcan be longer!

At boarding call, get an entree paper ticketwith your magnet card at the terminal located next to gate. After receiving your ticket, please leave your card at the gate, and don’t forget to take itaway after landing!

All jumpers in actual load go to the helicopter;your place must be taken according to the exit order! No exception! 

If you don’t show up at the gate until boarding call, your ticket will be lost, no refunding! The heli will take off on time!

Going on the landing area and the chopper can beapproached by authorized person only! Authorized persons: pilots, mechanics,round flight passengers, actual jumpers, persons with special permission tostay on the area.

Jumpers must take their place according to the exit order. The jumps master checks if everyone sits on the right place and theseatbelts of the jumpers closest to the door.

Seatbelts must be used for everyone until 300 m altitude!

Jump run, exits

Loads will fly to 4000 meters

Yellow light will be indicated with one horn signal atreaching the exit altitude, just before 20-40 seconds before the green light which goes with two horn exitsignal. At red light jumping is forbidden!

The beginning of exits will be signed with two horn and indicationof green light together. The first jumper must be ready to exit and leave thehelicopter immediately when the green light appears.

The exits and separation times will be checkedby a camera, located on the tail of the helicopter. In case of any problem orviolence, sanctions will be done according to the footage!

Skydivers deciding not to jump must report to the crew, take aseat close to the cockpit area, fasten seatbelt, and fallow crew instructions

Jump ticket will not be reimbursed Exit order: big way belly fliers smaller group of bellyflyers solo belly flyers bigger group of freeflyers(sit or head-down) smaller group of freeflyers(sit or head-down) solo freeflyers (sit orhead-down) solo students, jumpers pullinghigher (1200 meters or above) AFF Tandem Tracking Wingsuit

Separations between jumpers:minimum: 4 sec., maximum 5 sec.! In case of big groups, longer separation will be specified by the jumpmaster!

For trackers and wingsuiters: Never fly abovethe jumpers (non tracker or wingsuiter) exited before you! After exit do two90 degree turns, or one big 180 degree turn (see the drawing on the map)avoiding the dropping lane, keep your eastern or western direction and flyabove the side of the DZ! Mind and keep your flying direction! NEVER go acrossthe directions! If you need to turn back 180° from flying direction (in case ofhard overflying) make sure to turn outside (if you do not understand, ask!),but rather try to stall or arch to avoid turning back!



Regular tracking after separation must be done perpendicularor close to perpendicular direction to the dropping lane!

Main canopies must be fully open lowest on 800 meter altitude!

Opening altitudes are always checked by theground crew of DZ! In case of any violence of rules, sanctions will be done!

Approaching, landing rules

Landing areas: Different landing areas arespecified for different level of experiences. For students and A-B licensedjumpers must land on the area to west from the white cross, signed yellow onthe map. The landing area of licence C-D and tandem jumpers is east from thewhite cross, singed with green on map. The area of the SWOOP course (red area)is restricted area ONLY for swoopers with C or D licences! Everyone must avoidthe red area (even in 400 m high airspace!) that is not using cross braced orhigh elliptical canopy, and lands on the course in specified direction in any windcondition!

It is strictly forbidden to land on the runway. In case of unwitting landing on the runway, skydiver as soon as possible and in a shortest way has to leave the territory of the runway. In this case skydiver can reach dropzone moving parallel to the runway on the left or right side keeping minimum 30 meters safety distance from it. It is strictly forbidden to cross the runway. Reaching the dropzone skydiver can go to the packing area in usual way.

The 10m wide lane (signed with white on map) from the entry gate is forbidden to land on!



Landing in wrong area or violate the SWOOP area within400 meters altitude, for the first time will result warning, second time immediate prohibition!

Landing approaches and turns must be done only with left sided direction (with left turns)!

Landing direction is indicated with one bigindicator on white area, one smaller indicator approx. on the middle of thelanding area, furthermore there is a white indicator arrow. In any noticeable wind, always land headwind, according to the indicators except the swoopcourse, where one agreed direction must be used according to the course. Incase there is no wind or the wind direction can not be specified obviously,landings must done according to the white indicator arrow, set by the groundcrew.

Approaching and landing turns are always checked by the DZ ground crew! In case of any violence or dangerous activity, warningor sanctions can be expected!

The jumpers after landing must leave the landingarea as soon as possible.

Jumpers after landing will be count by theground crew, in case of anyone is missing they will be take care of lookingafter them and driving them back.

The operation is on standby, until any of thejumpers are missing.

Landing area

Only crew, flightpassengers, actual jumpers, landing jumpers, persons with special permission are allowed to enter the landig area.

Permission to stay on thelanding area can be given by the stuff of the DZ.

All person (except pilots,mechanics, jumpers) on landing areas must wear bright dress given by the DZ stuff!

Other rules

At Siofok-Kiliti airport, parachute jumps can be executed by skydiver with valid international or national licenses, in accordance with USPA and national rules,

To fly a WINGSUIT, skydiver must have minimum 200 jumps or C licence, and have to prove wingsuit experience by logbook entries!

All jumpers must use AAD accepted by own national rules. AAD must be in working condition and inspected by manufacturer requirements.

By Hungarian rules obligatory on every rig to have a cutting tool, which can be hook-knife! At wingsuit and tracking jumps, cutting tool must be easily accessible on chest strap or outside on the suit!

On TS Apache or similar wingsuit was designed for BASE jumping, the original cutaway and reserve handle must be accessible!

All jumpers must wear head protector, head cover or helmet!

Jumpers without international licence, students can do parachuting activity only under supervision of his own instructor! All foreign instructors and instructors in other parachuting operation must declare his own responsibility about his students and his activity in the actual documents in writing, every day

All rigs must be inspected by technical staff before usage! Any kind of parachuting (especially tandem and student jumps) activity can only be done with approved gear! All approved gears will be signed by our crew, which has to be visible.

Siófok-Kiliti DZ keeps the right to judge the knowledge/performance of parachute instruction and tandem activity! In case, the technical stuff can require exam jump for any jumper, including tandem pilots and instructors!

High speed landing turns (swoop) are allowed to do only with using meter accurate visible or/and audible altimeter! All swooper must wear hard helmet! Turning with brake line is strictly forbidden, swoop turns can be only done with front riser!


We have only top of the range parachute equipment and the latest models from the Parachute Systems manufacturers.

In Balaton Skydive  you will never have to wait for a jump with rented gear!

The reserve canopies are manufactured by Parachute Systems  and are of the latest generation. The reserves are repacked and regularly.checked by a professional rigger.

Rental fees for equipment :                                                                                       

Rig hire per jump 10 EUR Packjob   5 EUR Helmet per day  2 EUR Goggles per day 2 EUR Altimeter per day  3 EUR Suit per day   10 EUR Complete package helmet/goggles/altimeter per day  6 EUR


Skydive Balaton Drop Zone is one of a kind, exclusively operated skydives from Mi-8 Russian troop transporter choppers, from season 2014 we plan to work with 2 helicopters (as demands grows every year) in the pursue of the goal to offer possibilities for more complex events be it Big Way Belly Formations, FreeFly or Wingsuit Big Flocks. International Dropzone based in Hungary in the close proximity of Balaton Lake with the choice of stupendous view while enjoying the Blue Skies and gentle climate from last days of April to mid October. Everybody is welcome


More info:


Skydive Balaton


Before You Arrive


Please fill in  the Skydiver Registration form, (<< klick here) even if you've got your proximity card once a year

Don't forget  to book your room (<< klick here)

Check our events on Facebook (<< klick here) and ask for more if you can't find one you want to take part!

Look at our briefing video:


Skydiver Registration Form

Please be sure to use your own e-mail address! If your e-mail is already registered, next time you only need to update your information.

For NON EU Citizens we need 8 days to get authority permission to jump. So be sure to fill in the form, (upload the csan of your pasport aswell) if you are non EU citizen at least 8 days before your visit.



Our airport can most conveniently accessed from the direction of M7 Motorway, driving 5 kilometres to the south on Route 65 from Siófok city. When arriving at the airport we can get to the parachutists’ village by driving 1 kilometre in the direction of Ságvár after passing the main building, the restaurant, the wooden cottages and hangars.


The ‘parachutists’ village’ is a facilities complex in a green area in the southern part of the airport specifically designed for the convenient execution of the skydiving operation. We provide diverse services here for our visitors

There are covered hangars for packing the parachutes, with parking spaces nearby.



Registration, manifest

After arriving to the DZ do registration in the manifest, you can apply for a magnet card for 20 Euros, which will be validuntil you damage or lose it. Show your licence, reserve packing document andhave your gear checked. All accepted gears will be signed with a tape. You can only jump with an approved rig!


Skydiving Rules

Skydive Balaton DZ regulations of parachuting activity „A” licensed skydiver-> USPA/FAI A licensed skydiver or skydiver rated equivalently to it by national rules „B” licensed skydiver-> USPA/FAI B licensed skydiver or skydiver rated equivalently to it by national rules „C” licensed skydiver-> USPA/FAI C licensed skydiver or skydiver rated equivalently to it by national rules „D” licensed skydiver-> USPA/FAI D licensed skydiver or skydiver rated equivalently to it by national rules Registration, manifest

After arriving to the DZ do registration in the manifest, you can apply for a magnet card for 20 Euros, which will be validuntil you damage or lose it. Show your licence, reserve packing document andhave your gear checked. All accepted gears will be signed with a tape. You can only jump with an approved rig!

You can upload jump tickets to your magnet card, which will be deducted when signing up for the load. The unused tickets will be refunded. You also can check in with empty card, and do payment at the end of the day latest. If you miss to pay at the end of the day, you will not be able to sign up, until your balance is open.

Check in, announcements, loading the helicopter

Attention! Check in only, if you are packed andready to jump! If you want to jump, sign up for the next load with your magnetcard using the terminal and touch screen at the manifest. After the 10 minutes call, you can no more modifying the actual load, there is no ticket refunding!Organisation reserves rights for evaluation!

The minimum number of persons in one load is 26.

Please note, the check in is continuous, as soon as the next load is full, the chopper will fly back to back, with no engine shut down

You can sign up for a load only once in a time,re-checks are possible soonest after landing!

As soon the minimum jumpers were checked in, theactual speaker gives 20, 15, 10 and 5 minutes call every time, informing the jumpers, stuff and pilots.

Always pay attention to the loudspeaker!

All jumpers must be at the entry gate latest at 5 minutes call! Tandem pilots, their passengers and flight passengers must take their position on the rightside, all other jumpers must sit or stand on the left side, according to theestimated exit order by themselves!

Please prepare and be patient, your gear and AADwill be checked at the gate before going to the chopper. The entry gate will be closed until boarding call, the helicopter can be only approached by the pilots, round flight passengers and jump master earlier!

The actual jump master will be designated latestat 15 minutes call by the organisation.

The organisation staff or jumps master will setup the exit order (latest before the engine starts), warns everyone for the minimum 4 seconds and maximum 5 seconds separation! In case of big ways are exiting, the separationcan be longer!

At boarding call, get an entree paper ticketwith your magnet card at the terminal located next to gate. After receiving your ticket, please leave your card at the gate, and don’t forget to take itaway after landing!

All jumpers in actual load go to the helicopter;your place must be taken according to the exit order! No exception! 

If you don’t show up at the gate until boarding call, your ticket will be lost, no refunding! The heli will take off on time!

Going on the landing area and the chopper can beapproached by authorized person only! Authorized persons: pilots, mechanics,round flight passengers, actual jumpers, persons with special permission tostay on the area.

Jumpers must take their place according to the exit order. The jumps master checks if everyone sits on the right place and theseatbelts of the jumpers closest to the door.

Seatbelts must be used for everyone until 300 m altitude!

Jump run, exits

Loads will fly to 4000 meters

Yellow light will be indicated with one horn signal atreaching the exit altitude, just before 20-40 seconds before the green light which goes with two horn exitsignal. At red light jumping is forbidden!

The beginning of exits will be signed with two horn and indicationof green light together. The first jumper must be ready to exit and leave thehelicopter immediately when the green light appears.

The exits and separation times will be checkedby a camera, located on the tail of the helicopter. In case of any problem orviolence, sanctions will be done according to the footage!

Skydivers deciding not to jump must report to the crew, take aseat close to the cockpit area, fasten seatbelt, and fallow crew instructions

Jump ticket will not be reimbursed Exit order: big way belly fliers smaller group of bellyflyers solo belly flyers bigger group of freeflyers(sit or head-down) smaller group of freeflyers(sit or head-down) solo freeflyers (sit orhead-down) solo students, jumpers pullinghigher (1200 meters or above) AFF Tandem Tracking Wingsuit

Separations between jumpers:minimum: 4 sec., maximum 5 sec.! In case of big groups, longer separation will be specified by the jumpmaster!

For trackers and wingsuiters: Never fly abovethe jumpers (non tracker or wingsuiter) exited before you! After exit do two90 degree turns, or one big 180 degree turn (see the drawing on the map)avoiding the dropping lane, keep your eastern or western direction and flyabove the side of the DZ! Mind and keep your flying direction! NEVER go acrossthe directions! If you need to turn back 180° from flying direction (in case ofhard overflying) make sure to turn outside (if you do not understand, ask!),but rather try to stall or arch to avoid turning back!



Regular tracking after separation must be done perpendicularor close to perpendicular direction to the dropping lane!

Main canopies must be fully open lowest on 800 meter altitude!

Opening altitudes are always checked by theground crew of DZ! In case of any violence of rules, sanctions will be done!

Approaching, landing rules

Landing areas: Different landing areas arespecified for different level of experiences. For students and A-B licensedjumpers must land on the area to west from the white cross, signed yellow onthe map. The landing area of licence C-D and tandem jumpers is east from thewhite cross, singed with green on map. The area of the SWOOP course (red area)is restricted area ONLY for swoopers with C or D licences! Everyone must avoidthe red area (even in 400 m high airspace!) that is not using cross braced orhigh elliptical canopy, and lands on the course in specified direction in any windcondition!

It is strictly forbidden to land on the runway. In case of unwitting landing on the runway, skydiver as soon as possible and in a shortest way has to leave the territory of the runway. In this case skydiver can reach dropzone moving parallel to the runway on the left or right side keeping minimum 30 meters safety distance from it. It is strictly forbidden to cross the runway. Reaching the dropzone skydiver can go to the packing area in usual way.

The 10m wide lane (signed with white on map) from the entry gate is forbidden to land on!



Landing in wrong area or violate the SWOOP area within400 meters altitude, for the first time will result warning, second time immediate prohibition!

Landing approaches and turns must be done only with left sided direction (with left turns)!

Landing direction is indicated with one bigindicator on white area, one smaller indicator approx. on the middle of thelanding area, furthermore there is a white indicator arrow. In any noticeable wind, always land headwind, according to the indicators except the swoopcourse, where one agreed direction must be used according to the course. Incase there is no wind or the wind direction can not be specified obviously,landings must done according to the white indicator arrow, set by the groundcrew.

Approaching and landing turns are always checked by the DZ ground crew! In case of any violence or dangerous activity, warningor sanctions can be expected!

The jumpers after landing must leave the landingarea as soon as possible.

Jumpers after landing will be count by theground crew, in case of anyone is missing they will be take care of lookingafter them and driving them back.

The operation is on standby, until any of thejumpers are missing.

Landing area

Only crew, flightpassengers, actual jumpers, landing jumpers, persons with special permission are allowed to enter the landig area.

Permission to stay on thelanding area can be given by the stuff of the DZ.

All person (except pilots,mechanics, jumpers) on landing areas must wear bright dress given by the DZ stuff!

Other rules

At Siofok-Kiliti airport, parachute jumps can be executed by skydiver with valid international or national licenses, in accordance with USPA and national rules,

To fly a WINGSUIT, skydiver must have minimum 200 jumps or C licence, and have to prove wingsuit experience by logbook entries!

All jumpers must use AAD accepted by own national rules. AAD must be in working condition and inspected by manufacturer requirements.

By Hungarian rules obligatory on every rig to have a cutting tool, which can be hook-knife! At wingsuit and tracking jumps, cutting tool must be easily accessible on chest strap or outside on the suit!

On TS Apache or similar wingsuit was designed for BASE jumping, the original cutaway and reserve handle must be accessible!

All jumpers must wear head protector, head cover or helmet!

Jumpers without international licence, students can do parachuting activity only under supervision of his own instructor! All foreign instructors and instructors in other parachuting operation must declare his own responsibility about his students and his activity in the actual documents in writing, every day

All rigs must be inspected by technical staff before usage! Any kind of parachuting (especially tandem and student jumps) activity can only be done with approved gear! All approved gears will be signed by our crew, which has to be visible.

Siófok-Kiliti DZ keeps the right to judge the knowledge/performance of parachute instruction and tandem activity! In case, the technical stuff can require exam jump for any jumper, including tandem pilots and instructors!

High speed landing turns (swoop) are allowed to do only with using meter accurate visible or/and audible altimeter! All swooper must wear hard helmet! Turning with brake line is strictly forbidden, swoop turns can be only done with front riser!


We have only top of the range parachute equipment and the latest models from the Parachute Systems manufacturers.

In Balaton Skydive  you will never have to wait for a jump with rented gear!

The reserve canopies are manufactured by Parachute Systems  and are of the latest generation. The reserves are repacked and regularly.checked by a professional rigger.

Rental fees for equipment :                                                                                       

Rig hire per jump 10 EUR Packjob   5 EUR Helmet per day  2 EUR Goggles per day 2 EUR Altimeter per day  3 EUR Suit per day   10 EUR Complete package helmet/goggles/altimeter per day  6 EUR


Skydive Balaton Drop Zone is one of a kind, exclusively operated skydives from Mi-8 Russian troop transporter choppers, from season 2014 we plan to work with 2 helicopters (as demands grows every year) in the pursue of the goal to offer possibilities for more complex events be it Big Way Belly Formations, FreeFly or Wingsuit Big Flocks. International Dropzone based in Hungary in the close proximity of Balaton Lake with the choice of stupendous view while enjoying the Blue Skies and gentle climate from last days of April to mid October. Everybody is welcome


More info:


Skydive Balaton
No Rating




Price List
41,00 €
Commercial (for Tandem, Passenger and also for the Cameraman)
100,00 €
Rig hire per jump
10,00 €
5,00 €
Helmet per day
2,00 €
Registration ID card
20,00 €
Goggles per day
2,00 €
Altimeter per day
3,00 €
Suit per day
10,00 €
Complete package helmet/goggles/altimeter per day
6,00 €
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Standard Jump:41,00 €
Own Manifest Program

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41,00 €
Standard Jump
41,00 €
Standard Jump