14 - 29 Feb 2024

16th World POPS Meeting & Championships

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14 - 29 Feb 2024
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16th World POPS Meeting & Championships

World POPS Meet 2024 in Villarrica, Chile

Parachutists Over Phorty Society


Das 16. „World POPS Meet and Championship“ findet vom 14. Februar 2024 bis 29. Februar 2024 in statt Villarrica, Chile statt.

14. bis 18. Februar 2024: International Water Accuracy Landing Competition 14. bis 18. Februar 2024: Training 18. bis 29. Februar 2024: World POPS Meet





1. The Organizing Committee.

Mr. Ivan Rios Mail: Cel.: +569 9541-1172

Mr. Peter Vermehren Mail: Cel.: +569 9820-0194

Mr. Gustavo Reyes Mail: Cel.: +549 264 672-4678


2. PLACE OF THE EVENT. Villarrica AeroClub, Camino Villarrica-Lican Ray, km. 2,5, Villarrica, IX Region of Araucanía, CHILE.

Villarrica City and surroundings

Villarrica is a city in southern Chile, located at the foot of the Villarrica volcano and on the shores of the extensive Lake Villarrica. The surrounding landscape is characterized by its spectacular mountains and hot springs.

To the southeast is the Villarrica National Park, covered in araucaria forests and with trails that crisscross it. The park is also home to the Geometrica hot springs. The emerald-colored Verde Lake is located near the Huerquehue National Park.

It currently has all the basic and tourist services, being the main city of services in the Cordilleran area and the main tourist center in the region of La Araucanía together with Pucon. It has a long Costanera Avenue, which borders beaches from the pier, with excellent views of the lake and the volcano. During the summer months numerous activities and cultural, artistic and sports events are held, in addition to the innumerable alternatives of Ecotourism, Adventure Tourism and Ethnotourism.


Tourist attractions: • Excursions to Trancura River, canopy, rafting, trekking. • Mapuche Cultural Exhibition: At Pedro de Valdivia Street corner with Julio Zegers Street. • Museum: Second floor of the Municipal Library building. • Costanera de Villarrica: Point found on the shores of Lake Villarrica, from the new bridge to the exit to Pucón. • Aquatic Entertainment: At the Municipal Pier • During the summer in Villarrica you can enjoy various sports activities, concerts, cultural shows, great bohemian life, and multiple services.

Villarrica Volcano. Sunset at Villarrica Lake. Villarrica Beaches. Villarrica National Park. Petrohue Falls at Villarrica National Park.


3. How to get to Villarrica.

a) Airway from Santiago to Temuco. Latam, Sky Airlines and JetSmart airlines have daily flights to Temuco city with a flight time of 1 hour and 20 minutes. At Temuco airport you can take a bus that will leave you at the Villarrica Bus Terminal in a 2 and a half hour trip.

b) By land from Santiago to Villarrica. There are several bus companies that leave daily from Santiago to Villarrica, at different times, on a 7-hour trip.

c) Car and Van rental services. Both at Santiago Int’l. and Temuco airports there are car and van rental services so that you can get to Villarrica independently and at the times you deem convenient. Taking the land alternatives, you will be able to enjoy the beautiful landscapes along the South Pan-American Highway and later the interior route to Villarrica.


4. Accommodation and feeding. There are a good number of 2, 3 and 4 star hotels in the area, as well as hostels, B&Bs and apartments for rent with prices starting at USD 60.00 per person. There is also the possibility of having the Students Home with a minimum cost. There are also a good number of restaurants and/or restobars in Villarrica and Pucon, with a great offer on meat, fish and seafood, vegetables and fruits.


5. Weather conditions. Being located in the south of Chile, the weather at the Villarrica area has the clear characteristics of a temperate oceanic climate, specifically temperate rainy, therefore the climate of the area is characterized by summer temperatures close to 20 °C and 30°C. In winter temperatures range between 2 °C and 16 °C.

6. Estimated dates of the event. Since both Villarrica and Pucon are summer vacation areas, we estimate that the best date for the event would be between the last week of February and the first 10 days of March. In this way we will have access to a greater variety of accommodation and with mid-season prices.

7. Costs and Payment. The Registration Fee for competitors would be similar to the cost for this year's event in Netheravon only with a small increase. Same for non-competitors, judges, and family members.

8. Event costs. The cost of the jumps will be around USD 40,00 per person, per round, per discipline and per number of rounds, including the camera when applicable. This value may be adjusted according to the variation in the price of fuel. The competition will involve the following categories: * Parachutists Over Phorty Society (POPS). * Skydivers Over Sixty (SOS). And the following disciplines: a. 4 Way Scrambles. b. 4 Way Nationals (Nationals & Open disciplines). c. 8-way Speed Star. d. Individual/Team Precision Accuracy e. Individual Sports Accuracy. f. Hit and Rock. The disciplines and/or the number of rounds may be modified according to the number of registrants.

9. Trophies and medals. Trophies will be awarded for 1 st place, Medals for 2 nd and 3 rd places, and a certificate for 4 th place for all disciplines. Formal POPS & SOS Awards will be presented at the formal dinner.

10. Aircraft availability: Cessna C-180 / C-182 Cessna C-206 Compair CA-10 Twin Otter 300 Other aircraft according to availability at the time of the event.

11. Documentation. As in all POP's events, competitors must have the following documents:

a. Chilean Skydiving Federation Full or Temp Membership. (Temp can be purchased on arrival)

b. Appropriate FAI Licence.

c. International Skydiving Medical Certificate.

d. Reserve packing card for each set of parachute equipment to be used.

e. Skydiving Logbook.

f. It is a mandatory requirement to have an automatic activation device (AAD) while jumping at this Drop Zone.


All the missing details will be informed in a previous Bulletin in case our proposal is accepted. THANKS AND HOPE TO SEE YOU IN VILLARRICA 2024!!



Bulletin 2: Microsoft Word - 01 - Bulletin N2 - English (

Registration Form: Pre Registration (



World POPS Meet 2024 in Villarrica, Chile

Parachutists Over Phorty Society


Das 16. „World POPS Meet and Championship“ findet vom 14. Februar 2024 bis 29. Februar 2024 in statt Villarrica, Chile statt.

14. bis 18. Februar 2024: International Water Accuracy Landing Competition 14. bis 18. Februar 2024: Training 18. bis 29. Februar 2024: World POPS Meet





1. The Organizing Committee.

Mr. Ivan Rios Mail: Cel.: +569 9541-1172

Mr. Peter Vermehren Mail: Cel.: +569 9820-0194

Mr. Gustavo Reyes Mail: Cel.: +549 264 672-4678


2. PLACE OF THE EVENT. Villarrica AeroClub, Camino Villarrica-Lican Ray, km. 2,5, Villarrica, IX Region of Araucanía, CHILE.

Villarrica City and surroundings

Villarrica is a city in southern Chile, located at the foot of the Villarrica volcano and on the shores of the extensive Lake Villarrica. The surrounding landscape is characterized by its spectacular mountains and hot springs.

To the southeast is the Villarrica National Park, covered in araucaria forests and with trails that crisscross it. The park is also home to the Geometrica hot springs. The emerald-colored Verde Lake is located near the Huerquehue National Park.

It currently has all the basic and tourist services, being the main city of services in the Cordilleran area and the main tourist center in the region of La Araucanía together with Pucon. It has a long Costanera Avenue, which borders beaches from the pier, with excellent views of the lake and the volcano. During the summer months numerous activities and cultural, artistic and sports events are held, in addition to the innumerable alternatives of Ecotourism, Adventure Tourism and Ethnotourism.


Tourist attractions: • Excursions to Trancura River, canopy, rafting, trekking. • Mapuche Cultural Exhibition: At Pedro de Valdivia Street corner with Julio Zegers Street. • Museum: Second floor of the Municipal Library building. • Costanera de Villarrica: Point found on the shores of Lake Villarrica, from the new bridge to the exit to Pucón. • Aquatic Entertainment: At the Municipal Pier • During the summer in Villarrica you can enjoy various sports activities, concerts, cultural shows, great bohemian life, and multiple services.

Villarrica Volcano. Sunset at Villarrica Lake. Villarrica Beaches. Villarrica National Park. Petrohue Falls at Villarrica National Park.


3. How to get to Villarrica.

a) Airway from Santiago to Temuco. Latam, Sky Airlines and JetSmart airlines have daily flights to Temuco city with a flight time of 1 hour and 20 minutes. At Temuco airport you can take a bus that will leave you at the Villarrica Bus Terminal in a 2 and a half hour trip.

b) By land from Santiago to Villarrica. There are several bus companies that leave daily from Santiago to Villarrica, at different times, on a 7-hour trip.

c) Car and Van rental services. Both at Santiago Int’l. and Temuco airports there are car and van rental services so that you can get to Villarrica independently and at the times you deem convenient. Taking the land alternatives, you will be able to enjoy the beautiful landscapes along the South Pan-American Highway and later the interior route to Villarrica.


4. Accommodation and feeding. There are a good number of 2, 3 and 4 star hotels in the area, as well as hostels, B&Bs and apartments for rent with prices starting at USD 60.00 per person. There is also the possibility of having the Students Home with a minimum cost. There are also a good number of restaurants and/or restobars in Villarrica and Pucon, with a great offer on meat, fish and seafood, vegetables and fruits.


5. Weather conditions. Being located in the south of Chile, the weather at the Villarrica area has the clear characteristics of a temperate oceanic climate, specifically temperate rainy, therefore the climate of the area is characterized by summer temperatures close to 20 °C and 30°C. In winter temperatures range between 2 °C and 16 °C.

6. Estimated dates of the event. Since both Villarrica and Pucon are summer vacation areas, we estimate that the best date for the event would be between the last week of February and the first 10 days of March. In this way we will have access to a greater variety of accommodation and with mid-season prices.

7. Costs and Payment. The Registration Fee for competitors would be similar to the cost for this year's event in Netheravon only with a small increase. Same for non-competitors, judges, and family members.

8. Event costs. The cost of the jumps will be around USD 40,00 per person, per round, per discipline and per number of rounds, including the camera when applicable. This value may be adjusted according to the variation in the price of fuel. The competition will involve the following categories: * Parachutists Over Phorty Society (POPS). * Skydivers Over Sixty (SOS). And the following disciplines: a. 4 Way Scrambles. b. 4 Way Nationals (Nationals & Open disciplines). c. 8-way Speed Star. d. Individual/Team Precision Accuracy e. Individual Sports Accuracy. f. Hit and Rock. The disciplines and/or the number of rounds may be modified according to the number of registrants.

9. Trophies and medals. Trophies will be awarded for 1 st place, Medals for 2 nd and 3 rd places, and a certificate for 4 th place for all disciplines. Formal POPS & SOS Awards will be presented at the formal dinner.

10. Aircraft availability: Cessna C-180 / C-182 Cessna C-206 Compair CA-10 Twin Otter 300 Other aircraft according to availability at the time of the event.

11. Documentation. As in all POP's events, competitors must have the following documents:

a. Chilean Skydiving Federation Full or Temp Membership. (Temp can be purchased on arrival)

b. Appropriate FAI Licence.

c. International Skydiving Medical Certificate.

d. Reserve packing card for each set of parachute equipment to be used.

e. Skydiving Logbook.

f. It is a mandatory requirement to have an automatic activation device (AAD) while jumping at this Drop Zone.


All the missing details will be informed in a previous Bulletin in case our proposal is accepted. THANKS AND HOPE TO SEE YOU IN VILLARRICA 2024!!



Bulletin 2: Microsoft Word - 01 - Bulletin N2 - English (

Registration Form: Pre Registration (



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